Upper Midwest Area Membership Application

Date: _______________

I, _______________________________________, having read the By-Laws of the American Power Dispatchers Association and if accepted as a "Regular Member" (  ) or "Associate Member" (  ), do agree to abide by them.

Employer: _____________________________________________________________________

Company Address: ______________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________    State: _____      Zip: ____________

Work Phone: (_____)______________    E-mail: ______________________________________

Position Title: __________________________________________________________________

Home Address: _________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________    State: _____      Zip: ____________

Home Phone: (_____)______________

Regular membership is open to current and former dispatchers, power system operations coordinators, etc.  Associate membership is open to anyone else who shares a common interest in the association.  Annual membership dues are $20.00.

Please mail the completed application with your check payable to the APDA Upper Midwest Area Secretary:

W. Todd Gosnell

UMW APDA Treasurer

10463 V Street

Omaha, NE 68127
